Kung Fu - The Martial Art of China

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There are three primary schools of kung fu in China; the internal school, the external school and the secret school. Each has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses. One of the primary schools is the internal karate, founded by Sun Tzu, who wrote a book on how to train for battle in ancient China. The term kung fu is derived from the mix of karate and other traditional fighting methods, so the focus of the internal style is to train for an exchange of kicks and punches.

The external kung fu is very different in its training, as it is aimed at non-lethal attacks. The basic moves of these forms are very similar to those used in modern karate, so they are easy to teach and learn from. They are generally more advanced than the internal style, so the focus is to increase speed, improve hand and tendon strength and toughen the body through the repetitive movements.

Another important distinction between karate and kung fu is that kung fu focuses on speed and power. The goal is to engage the opponent quickly and strikes should be done at a high speed. Unlike karate, there is no emphasis on perfecting complex techniques. The primary weapons used in kung fu are the feet, legs and arms. Typically, kung fu will use such tools as knives, long swords, knives and claw hammers.

The third type of school is the secret arts. This is the traditional system taught in schools in the provinces of China. Its purpose is not to train for self-defense, but to channel the energy of the body in special ways. These moves can be used for self-protection but are not meant to cause harm. The secret schools were created to train students to develop their ability to defend themselves in the face of attackers.

Kung Fu is often confused with Chinese martial art Wing Chun. However, the origin of kung fu is related to the martial art of China, and Wing Chun may have influenced it slightly. It has also been said that the origin of the term kung fu came from the village of Hung Gar, where some of the kung fu masters originated from. Today, most schools in America consider kung fu to be a part of the Chinese tradition. Of all the martial arts styles, kung fu is the oldest and most complete martial art in the world.

Today, there are many different styles of kung fu. Some are traditional, and some are more modern. There are even international varieties of this ancient art. All martial arts come from one root source, and although there have been many split off branches over time, all of them still originate from the same original system.

Today, you can learn many different styles of kung fu. Most practitioners will train in boxing, jujubejitsu, and eventually in karate. Most karate styles focus on striking and kicking, while jujubejitsu trains the practitioner to be able to use their hands for self-defense. Whatever your style, it is important that you get educated in how to defend yourself in the event of an attack, and always remember that the first strike should always be with your feet.